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AI-Based Credit Decisioning
Learn about how Lendbuzz's proprietary Artificial Intelligence Risk Analysis (AIRA) is revolutionizing credit decisioning.
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Thin and No-file Borrowers: Identifying Your Dealership's Next Big Opportunity
There are over 100 million people in the US who are underserved by traditional credit scoring methods; learn about who they are—and how Lendbuzz can help you service them—in our latest blog post.
Market Insights
Selling More Trucks—to More People—With Lendbuzz
An article detailing the opportunity car dealerships have to sell trucks to buyers and business owners who don't use an SSN or ITIN using a Lendbuzz Loan.
Market Insights
Don’t Let Cash in Transit Compromise your Cash Flow
"Cash in transit" can put the crunch on a dealer's cash flow. Learn how Lendbuzz's unique combination of platform and process can help you avoid this common problem.
How To
Three Easy Steps to a Lendbuzz Loan
Learn how easy it is to submit a Lendbuzz loan application
Market Insights
Auto Loans for Visa Holders: A Texas-Sized Opportunity for Dealerships
Market Insights
Consumer Vehicle Lending is Ready for an Overhaul
Lendbuzz Co-founder and CEO Amitay Kalmar—having dedicated much of his career to helping solve the challenges that car shoppers, dealers, and lenders face—identifies 7 areas of the current consumer lending model that are ripe for an overhaul.
Market Insights
Prejudging Creditworthiness Costs Sales
How your dealership can move beyond the limits of a FICO-only credit judging system.
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